Indiana University; Center for Adolescent Studies 

Violence Prevention Research Project/ Computer Liaison 

     The project was funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  I was the onsite technology Coordinator for the computer-based project.   I was also a contributing author in several of the publications that were a result of this research.

California State University Sacramento 

Instructor/Consultant- CalPers Graduate Cohort, Trainers.  Educational Technology Tools

     I facilitated a computer lab-based course covering technology tools for trainers.  Students were completing Master's Degrees each year as a thirty member cohort group.   

Los Rios Community College District  

Folsom Lake College- Assessment Office

2013 - present

1990 - 1994

Richland School District # 1, Columbia South Carolina 

High School Teacher, Lower Richland High School 

   I taught English, Social Studies, and Science in a self-contained classroom for students with learning disabilities and behavioral disorders.  My first year of teaching I was selected "100 of the Nation's Best First Year Teachers".  I also designed a school to work job transition program and was awarded funding grants to implement it.  


1996 - 2011

Tracy L DuBay, PhD

Western Michigan University

Faculty: Graduate Program in Educational Technology

     I was hired to research and design the Graduate Program in Education Technology and was one of three initial instructors in the 9 course program.  I was Involved in moving it to Co/Dec Video distribution, then totally online. I Coordinated the "Technology in Preservice Education Project" under the Direction of Dr. James Bosco.   For several years I taught courses in the program first Using WebCt, then Blackboard as delivery platform.  I received "Train the Trainer" endorsement from Michigan Virtual University in 2001.     My doctoral research study "Impact of a Verbal persuasion Treatment on Teacher Education Students' Attitudes and Self-Efficacy for Computer Technology  was conducted while I was teaching the ED347 required undergraduate educational technology course. 


1991-- 2001

2008 - 2010

2012 -2014 

1994 - 1995

1988 -1989

1984 -1988

University of South Carolina 

Coordinator, Educational Technology Center 

     As Coordinator of the ETC I managed Graduate students and undergraduate student workers.  I taught the required technology course for all Elementary education students.  i was responsible to maintain a large lab setting, and support faculty and staff with all of their technology needs for both teaching and personal productivity. Including conducting frequent training sessions on various educational technologies.
Tracy L. DuBay, PhD

Educational Researcher, Instructional Design & Technology Consultant

Wife (28 yrs), Mother (20,18), Massage Therapist,  Traveling Fool!

University of South Carolina;  Educational Research, Testing & Measurement, PhD

Emphasis: Quantitative Measures       Cognates: Educational Technology & Special Education

Southern Illinois University- Edwardsville; Master's of Science in Education.     MEd

Emphasis: Early Childhood Special Education     

Eastern Illinois University; Bachelor of Science in Education.     BS

Major: K-12 Special Education        Minor: Spanish 

Massage Therapy Institute,  Davis, CA

Specialty:  Sport Massage, Preventative & Post Injury Treatment   250 course contact hour